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What we do:

  • Provide capacity building supports to member organizations;

  • Support organizations on the aspect of program design, financing, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, documentation and dissemination of lessons learned;

  • Facilitating, through its members, the establishment of new SHGs, CLAs, and Federations to benefit more poor women in different parts of the country;

  • Conducting researches on the effectiveness of the SHG approach in poverty reduction, women empowerment;

  • Introduction and familiarization of the SHG approach to various stakeholders.

  • Strive to enhance CoSAP’s internal capacity to better cater to the needs of its members and

  • Lobby for eventual policy change on the SHG approach


Consortium of Self Help Group Approach Promoters (CoSAP) is an umbrella of SHG promoting organizations. Members, who adopt the SHG approach as a key tool for the empowerment of women, utilize this platform as a unifying mechanism for the implementation of the approach. This objective is realized through the provision of capacity building training to member organization and representing them in any policy level discussion that paves the ground for the proliferation of the approach.

CoSAP’s effort is therefore geared towards increasing its own capacity and that of its members; to implement the SHG approach as one of their key development interventions in effecting the better quality of life for marginalized women and their children. CoSAP employs immense efforts so that the SHG approach can be recognized, properly implemented and replicated. It also works toward popularizing the member’s success with regards to their target beneficiaries, so that the SHG model can become appreciated as an alternative development intervention.


As the proper implementation of the approach requires also distinct technical capacity and commitment by the promoting organization, several capacity building training is provided for the staff and community facilitators. Through making continuous field monitoring visits, on-spot technical support and assistance is also provided to the members

As the approach requires policy and programmatic support from all actors concerned, CoSAP coordinates members and stakeholders to take progressive measures and actions that help the target women institutions become sustainable and vibrant. Studies, workshops, and discussion that are targeted to influence policymakers are some of the actions that CoSAP is engaged in.


About us should read: The Consortium of Self help group Approach Promoters (CoSAP) is a
network of organizations that are engaged in the promotion of the Self Help Group (SHG)
approach in different parts of the country. CoSAP is established in line with Ethiopian
Charities and Societies Proclamation number 621/2009, with registration number 1590.

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Consortium of Self Help Group Approach Promoters (CoSAP)


Lideta Sub City, Woreda 10, African Union Area

(Behind National Tobacco Enterprise)


Tel: +251 1 15525251

+251 1 18959233

+251 930014725


Fax: +251 1 15571290




P.O.Box:  26720 code 1000 Addis Abeba, Ethiopia





Site Designed by: Ana Carla Costa

New School: MS Nonprofit Management

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