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Thematic Responsibilities:

Coordination: as a consortium of organizations, CoSAP is responsible for coordinating their efforts of empowering poor women.


Research: identifying livelihood challenges related to Ethiopian women and how they become best appropriated is also among the core themes of CoSAP.


Networking: CoSAP always strives to network with like-minded organizations and working in the area of Women Empowerment programs.


Capacity Building: CoSAP is also engaged in building the capacity of grassroots women’s institutions and member organizations through formal training, experience sharing and monitoring visits as well as  on-spot feedback sessions.


Resource Mobilization: to effectively coordinate and implement its activities through the member organizations, CoSAP mobilizes resources from different sources.

Although CoSAP supports any women empowerment programs, it is directly responsible for and certified mainly in the SHG approach.​

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